Challenge your workers
Challenges are one of the best ways to boost employee morale. When a job is too simple and does not require the employee to learn anything new, he can quickly become bored with doing the same activities. In contrast, if the job is too challenging, he may become disheartened and give up. You must establish a balance if you want to keep staff morale high. Your employees should have the tools, training, and support they need to complete their tasks efficiently. At the same time, their tasks should be difficult enough to provide them with a sense of accomplishment.
As a result, you should regularly put them through things they have never done before. Let them take entire ownership of the process and the results when you offer them a role or project. Demonstrate your belief in their abilities and knowledge. And that you have faith in them to seek assistance as needed. Furthermore, when they reach out to express any concerns or issues, encourage them to come up with solutions and recommendations. This will help their professional development and engage them on a far deeper level than allowing management to make all decisions.