Encourage Genuine Breaks
According to research, barely one in every five persons takes a lunch break, and white-collar workers are the least likely to do so. That suggests that far too many employees are eating lunch at their desks! You know that when people modify their environment, especially when they expose themselves to a nature-like environment, creativity and invention occur. Being inside, in the same place, is therefore adverse to creative thinking. It's also harmful to the rumination required for ideas to simmer and gestate, allowing a person to have a 'aha' moment. - Kimberly Elsbach, a University of California professor who researches workplace psychology.
Urge your employees to leave their desks for at least five minutes per hour. Get a cup of coffee, go for a walk outdoors to get some fresh air, stretch your muscles, and so on. When you make this a habit, you will be happier and more productive since you will feel refreshed. According to studies, the longer you stay at work, the more crucial it is to go out of the office, even if it's only for a few minutes, because creativity suffers when you don't change environments.