Define a custom object in Salesforce?

To comprehend what a Salesforce custom object is, you must first grasp the concept of objects in general. An object may be thought of as a spreadsheet: it offers the framework for organizing and viewing data. Objects are containers for your data, and custom objects are containers you create to meet your special needs. If this question is asked during the interview, being rational, clear, and tactical, as well as exhibiting your skill and experience in this position, can help you get points with the employers.

Example answer:

Using custom objects in Salesforce is similar to that hour of experimentation. Salesforce, like the iPhone, comes with default settings that may suit certain users, but in order for your device to properly meet your needs, you must spend some time customising it. Custom objects will assist your team in making the most of Salesforce, so you should have a look at what they are, when you would want to use them, and how to build them.

In Salesforce, there are two basic sorts of items in my experience. Standard objects are those that are included by default in Salesforce. Accounts, cases, contacts, and opportunities are examples of the types of information that practically every firm keeps track of in Salesforce. Furthermore, Custom objects go beyond what is standard. They are items that you design to meet the special demands of your business or sector. After you've generated a custom object, you may link it to any record you choose.

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