What is a workflow and give an example of how it is used?

The old saying “time is money” exists for a reason! Any organization will want to save time where possible. Use this question to demonstrate that you understand how to make processes more efficient using Workflows. When you are asked about workflow and how to govern and apply your workflow at work, particularly in a Salesforce Administration role, it suggests that they are seeking for an administrator who can divide and manage the work. Work that is efficient and rational. You should share your sales workflow experiences with us. Here is a sample question that will most likely assist you in obtaining the best response to this inquiry.

Example answer:

Workflow helps you to automate your organization's normal processes and procedures, saving you a significant amount of time. An if/then statement is used in the process. A process rule, for example, can send emails automatically. When triggered, a pre-defined email template is automatically supplied with new data and sent to a list of recipients. In Salesforce, workflow is essentially a container or business logic engine that automates various tasks depending on specific criteria. If the requirements are satisfied, the actions are carried out. When they are not met, records are stored but no action is taken.

Workflow rules in Salesforce are divided into two categories:
Criteria are the requirements that must be met in order to test a record. If you come from a technical background, for example, what the if statement accomplishes in an if/then condition is what criteria signify in a process.

Actions are taken after a record matches the requirements. Again, an action in the workflow is defined by what the then line does in the if/then condition.

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Image by istockphoto via pexels.com
Image by Lukas via pexels.com
Image by Lukas via pexels.com

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