What Portals does Salesforce have, and how are they used?

Most businesses will have business requirements that necessitate the usage of Salesforce by people outside of the corporation. Salesforce administrators routinely manage these external users' rights. Demonstrating your understanding of how something operates can demonstrate to a potential employer that you understand its business requirements.

Example answer:

are online resources that provide information and assistance. Depending on the nature of a firm, this can assist in autonomously resolving difficulties and receiving responses to questions. Salesforce provides three different types of portals.

Self-Service Portal: Depending on the request, these portals connect customers to frequently asked parts pages, blog articles, movies that give crucial information, and more. This decreases communication between customer support and users, allowing support staff to operate more efficiently. At the same time, consumers no longer have to rely on customer service representatives' time zone availability and choose hours to obtain a quick response.

Customer Portals:
Like Self-Service Portals, provide consumers with an online channel via which they may communicate with customer assistance and resolve current issues. They, like Self-Service portals, are always assisting businesses in providing around-the-clock support to their users, regardless of where they are in the globe or what time zone they are in. Customer Portals provide users access to Salesforce features as well as essential CRM data.

Salesforce Partner Portal:
The Salesforce Partner Portal enables your business to grant your sales and channel partners restricted access to specific CRM objects and capabilities.

Image by Fauxels via pexels.com
Image by Fauxels via pexels.com
Image by Mikhail via pexels.com
Image by Mikhail via pexels.com

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