Edible Archives, Goa

Edible Archives, which is led by Chef Anumitra Ghosh Dastidar and is located on the border of Assagao and Anjuna in Goa, attempts to produce a "collective sensory inventory that belongs to all the individuals engaged in cultivating, procuring, cooking, and enjoying a meal." The restaurant takes a cuisine-agnostic approach, focusing on the ingredients themselves, no matter how ubiquitous they are. The seasonal menu includes a mash-up of foods from many cultures, such as Shanxi-style brinjal and long beans, Bengali mustard fish, raw-banana kofta, and Vietnamese caramel pork, among others. Starters, rolls, meals-in-a-box, regional curries, and pan-Asian dishes are all available on the current delivery menu. This is without a doubt the most unusual Indian restaurant on the planet!
Best dishes: The seasonal menu features delicacies from all over the world, including Shanxi-style brinjal and long beans, Bengali mustard fish, raw-banana kofta, and Vietnamese caramel pork. Starters, rolls, meals-in-a-box, regional curries, and pan-Asian dishes are all available on the current delivery menu. This is without a doubt the most unique Indian restaurant on the planet.
Pricing: INR 1,000 for two (approx.)
Address: H 1301, Kumbhar Vaddo Anjuna Bardez, North Goa, Goa
Contact: +918308830750
Website: https://ediblearchives.com