Enjoy leftover rice as a classic comfort food

Sometimes simple comfort food is exactly what you're in the mood for. When that happens, rice stuffing is a fantastic choice for a hearty meal. There are other options besides gluten-heavy bread stuffings for making your dinner plate cozier. For a straightforward, filling recipe, stuff your favorite vegetables with leftover rice and aromatics (such as garlic, shallots, or green onions).
There are an infinite number of ways to prepare rice stuffing. Mix your rice with finely chopped celery and onions, then reheat it with a little chicken stock to recreate a traditional Christmas dish. As far as Christmas fare goes, you can stuff roasted winter squash or pumpkins with leftover rice. Acorn squash cooked in the oven is especially delicious when stuffed with chopped mushrooms and a rice dressing. Another popular website? Bell peppers packed with rice, frequently require a creamy melted cheese. Load a Cornish hen, fill some cabbage rolls, then shove some substantial rice stuffing into your stomach.