Go sweet or savory with curd rice

If you're not currently producing it, curd rice ought to be among the easiest uses for leftover rice in your own home cooking. publishing in India The Hindu waxes lyrical over the dish's significance to South Indian cuisine, adding that the traditional dish has many different names and shapes. The Hindu even mentions that thayir saadham (another name for curd rice), takes its best shape when made from leftovers. Each variant carries with it the ability to transform from a plain base to a seasoned pleasure.
What is curd rice then? It's a straightforward mixture of basic yogurt and cooked rice, claims MasterClass. Although it can occasionally be seen with pomegranate seeds or chunks of mango, curd rice mostly has savory characteristics. You can include items like minced carrots, curry powder, cumin seeds, and even ketchup. Don't worry if rice, probiotic yogurt, and a splash of Heinz 57 don't agree with you. You are in charge of selecting the flavors to use while preparing this dish with leftover rice.