Freshwater Polka Dot Stingray
These stingrays in aquariums have a round body about the size of a dinner plate. Adults can reach a diameter of about 18 inches. They are blackish/brown in color with white dots on their bodies. The adults require a tank of approximately 180 gallons. The bottom of any freshwater stingray tank should be as clear as possible. This is due to the fact that stingrays tend to hover just above the ground's surface.
In the United States, the freshwater polka dot stingray is partially illegal. This is because it is listed as having insufficient data on the IUCN red list due to its limited habitat range and harsh restrictions. Some states require permits to purchase one, while others outright prohibit it. So, before you go out and buy one, make sure your neighborhood is okay with it.
Its natural habitat is the Brazilian Xingu River Basin. Freshwater Polka Dot Stingray can only be found in the wild in that location. As a result, Brazil has imposed some stringent restrictions on this fish. The freshwater polka dot stingray costs around $100,000 USD. This places them in third place on the list of the most expensive aquarium fishes.
Stingrays eat whatever fits in their mouths. So, if you have large rays, you should probably keep them separate from smaller fish. It is perfectly acceptable to keep small rays in tanks.
Price: $100,000