One of the most well-known characters in the Dragon Ball series is the half-Saiyan Son Gohan. He is the eldest child of Goku, the main character of the series, and his wife Chi-Chi. He is also Goten's older brother, Videl's spouse, and Pan's father. He bears the name Gohan in honor of Goku's adoptive grandfather. Gohan, unlike his father, is a great student who only engages in combat when it is necessary to protect those he cares about.
He devotes a large portion of his life to aiding in Earth's defense, frequently shifting the course of events when the dormant depths of his power are awakened. Gohan was without Goku for the duration of his early years. He was brought up by Piccolo, who also gave him fighting instruction. When Goten was born, Goku was once again not present. But this time, Gohan stepped forward and assisted Chi Chi in lifting Goten. Gohan raised Goten and even trained him for seven years. It is clear that the two brothers have a close relationship.
Gohan, a half-Saiyan, differs from most full-blooded Saiyans in terms of his ideals and attitude in that he does not find much enjoyment in battle. But when he must engage in combat, he expresses a specific concern for defending his loved ones. Gohan, like his father, is a good person with a pure heart who will eat everything. He also has the normal Saiyan hunger.
Anime: Dragon Ball Z