One of the main protagonists in the anime series Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is Kamina. He and Simon are both from Jeeha Village, and they are the founders and first managers of Team Gurren. With his rhetoric and commitment to trying to turn Simon into a hero, he inspires Simon. His hot-blooded disposition allows him to take on everything. Kamina was killed by Thymilph, one of the Beastman Four Supreme Generals, during the first arc.
At first look, Kamina appeared to be a noisy, egotistical, and haughty man. Kamina, though, was also incredibly tenacious and never allowed anything to keep him down for long. Simon and Kamina shared an extremely special relationship. Even though everyone thought less of Simon, Kamina had faith in him and thought he might grow into a remarkable person. Together, they underwent a great deal of hardship, which strengthened their bond.
When Kamina was given the chance to fly Lagann, he turned it down since he didn't want to take his younger brother's property. Furthermore, Simon frequently stated out loud that his brother Kamina was a major source of inspiration for him and that no matter what happened, Kamina will always exist in his heart.
Anime: Gurren