High Antioxidant Levels May Reduce Chronic Disease Risk
Mung beans are rich in phenolic acids, flavonoids, caffeic acid, cinnamic acid, and other beneficial antioxidants. Free radicals are potentially dangerous chemicals that can be neutralized by antioxidants. Free radicals can interact with biological components and cause havoc when present in large quantities. Chronic inflammation, heart disease, cancer, and other illnesses are linked to this damage. Antioxidants from mung beans have been shown in test-tube tests to be able to counteract free radical damage associated with the development of cancer in lung and stomach cells.
Surprisingly, sprouted mung beans seem to have an even more outstanding antioxidant profile and may have up to six times as many antioxidants as conventional mung beans. However, test-tube studies make up the majority of the study on the disease-fighting capacity of mung bean antioxidants. Before recommendations can be made, more study with humans is required.