Kiwifruits are small brown fruits with a bright green or yellow flesh and very small black seeds. Kiwis are a nutrient-dense fruit that is high in vitamin C, vitamin E, folate, and fiber, and offer numerous health benefits.
For a 12-week period, 41 people with prediabetes ate two golden kiwis every day. They had greater vitamin C levels, lower blood pressure, and a waist circumference decrease of 1.2 inches (3.1 cm). In addition to weight reduction, research shows that kiwi can help reduce blood sugar, improve cholesterol, and promote gut health. Because Kiwis have a low GI, the sugar they contain is released more slowly, resulting in fewer blood sugar spikes. Furthermore, kiwis are a good source of dietary fiber. One small peeled fruit (69 grams) has almost 2 grams of fiber, with the skin providing an additional gram. Diets high in fiber from fruits and vegetables have been demonstrated to help people lose weight and have better gut health. When eaten raw, peeled, or unpeeled, kiwifruit is soft, sweet, and delicious. It may also be juiced, added to salads, or breakfast cereal.