Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transportation and Architecture
KSUCTA is the national coordinator of the SCO member states' Institutions' network, through which KSUCTA sends 15-20 master's students to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, and other universities each year. Each year, 10-15 students continue their studies in Germany under the European system of academic mobility. With the support of the Indian government, 46 instructors are taught on a monthly, three-monthly, and annual basis in the country. According to the implementation of a joint master's program in geoinformation on a distant form of instruction, KSUCTA graduates got Kyrgyz Austrian diplomas.
KSUCTA implements the Bologna education system's three levels of education on bachelor's, master's, and Ph.D. (doctors of philosophy) training, as well as continuing to teach specialists and scientific-pedagogical employees of the highest category. It has dissertation councils in 12 scientific subjects for doctorate and master's theses.
The KSUCTA staff is proud of its leader graduates, who have attained the highest professional level and serve in top-level government positions, including deputies of the Kyrgyz Republic's Jogorku Kenesh, members of the Kyrgyz Republic's Government, and heads of big construction enterprises. More than 25 doctorate and 90 candidate dissertations were successfully defended, and many of the graduates established scientific schools in the fields of construction materials and structures, seismic-resistant construction and transportation, as well as architecture and urban planning.
Phone: +996 3125 4356
Address: Б, 34 Abdylas Maldybaev St, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Student satisfaction: 4.6 / 5.0 (744 reviews)