Masroshi is created by combining the roshi with the Mas Huni. Masroshi is a little circular bread stuffed with smoked tuna and coconut. The filling is seasoned with curry spices, which give the smoked tuna a somewhat spicy flavor. This meal is fantastic because of the sweetness of the coconut, as well as the smoky and spicy flavors. This is also a breakfast meal that will improve your mornings.
Masroshi is a Maldivian food that consists of packed and fried flatbread. The dough is created from flour, oil, warm water, and salt, while the filling is made up of smoked tuna, shredded coconut, hot peppers, onions, garlic, ginger, chopped curry leaves, and lime.
The dough is made into a ball, flattened, filled, closed, and rolled into a flattened ball before being cooked in a skillet. Masroshi is cooked till golden brown, and it should be rotated every few minutes to ensure that all sides are cooked uniformly. The meal can be served for breakfast or as a snack in the afternoon or evening, particularly with a cup of tea.