Olive oil
Olive oil is widely recognized for its abilities to promote health since it is a good source of beneficial unsaturated fats. Interesting enough, some research points to olive oil as a potential anti-inflammatory, heart-health, and cancer-prevention agent. In many recipes and cuisines, it may also serve as a healthy, vegan-friendly alternative to mayonnaise. Olive oil weighs 13.5 grams in a tablespoon, which contains:
- Calories: 119
- Fat: 13.5 grams
- Vitamin E: 13% of the DV
- Vitamin K: 7% of the DV
Remember that using olive oil for mayonnaise in recipes may change the final product's flavor and texture. It may also be an excellent choice for dishes like pasta salad, dips, salad dressings, and sauces. On the other hand, it may also help you increase your consumption of healthy fats.