Papaya salad (Som tum)
A snack made with raw green papayas is called papaya salad. In contrast to how papayas are typically eaten, raw green papayas in this case are eaten like raw cucumbers and green bell peppers.
The green papayas are julienned before being combined with a dressing that includes lime juice, fish sauce, and tamarind sauce. To give the dish more taste and texture, additional ingredients are frequently added, including garlic, dried shrimp, crushed peanuts, and red chiles. Beta-carotene and lycopene are two antioxidants found in papayas. Vitamin A, which supports a strong immune system, is a precursor of beta-carotene. According to some recommendations, consuming 3-6mg of beta-carotene daily from food sources, 100g of papaya provides almost 3mg. Although lycopene is not converted into vitamin A the same way beta-carotene is, it may still be helpful in preventing UV-induced skin damage. Vitamin C, another noteworthy nutrient found in papayas, functions as an antioxidant and may, among other things, support healthy skin aging. One small papaya provides the necessary amount of vitamin C for the day.