Santa Monica Beach
Santa Monica Beach, the Pearl of Boa Vista Island, is fully sand-covered, and there is no shingle anywhere on the island. The sand is light yellow and "desert" everywhere. On the entire shoreline, the distinctive color does not alter.
There will not be a dramatic increase in depth when you enter the sea - there will be 20-30 meters of shallow water, so there is nothing to be concerned about, and there will be no dangerous "pits" or currents. However, everything is much more dismal when it comes to the potential of cutting - the main point is that there are a lot of mollusks on the island's coastline, and their shells are incredibly sharp, so it's very simple to get hurt here.
It is unquestionably difficult to say anything about popularity and crookedness. When you compare the Santa Monica beach to the other beaches on Boa Vista Island, you'll notice that there's "hardly room to move" - people are present at all hours of the day and night, despite the fact that the other beaches on the island aren't particularly popular. Santa Monica beach, despite its modernity, will not entice fans of a peaceful rest and European-quality service (and the country of Cape Verde as a whole). This location, however, is ideal for diving and surfing! As a result, the "target audience" of the Santa Monica beach is primarily comprised of young individuals who prefer active relaxation and enjoy extreme sports. And they are the center of attention for the entire infrastructure.
Another attraction of the Santa Monica beach is the opportunity to observe sea turtles. They have become so accustomed to tourists and are unafraid of them that it is even possible to observe how small turtles hatch from their shells and dash to the sea (many vacationers only here broke the stereotype, that turtles move slowly). The authorities here strictly safeguard these animals (along with everyone else), so tourists will always have a fantastic opportunity to enjoy the biodiversity.
Location: Boa Vista, Cape Verde