Some Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables, in general, are low in zinc. Some veggies, on the other hand, contain reasonable quantities and can help you meet your daily requirements, especially if you don't eat meat.
Because zinc is not as bioavailable in plant foods as it is in animal foods, vegans and vegetarians who eat mostly plant foods may have difficulty getting enough zinc. Shiitake mushrooms, green peas, spinach, lima beans, lentil sprouts, asparagus, beet greens, broccoli, okra, and sweet corn are all high in zinc that you can refer to add to your diet. Potatoes, both regular and sweet varieties, contain around 1 mg per large potato, or about 9% of the daily requirement. Green beans and kale, for example, have just around 3% of the daily value per 100 grams. Even though vegetables are low in zinc, they have been associated with a lower risk of chronic diseases including heart disease and cancer.