South Koreans are one year old when born
One of the unique facts about Koreans is that they are automatically one year old at birth. This means that an infant is considered one year old in Korea. There are different schools of thought as to why this is so. One explanation is that people think it's because the baby has been in the womb for 9 months, which is about 1 year. Hence in Korea, the child is 1 year old at birth. Therefore, when calculating age, the age of Koreans is calculated one year older than the age of people in other countries.
There are many calculation methods, but the simple way to calculate Korean age is:
(Current year - your birth year) + 1 = Your Korean age
For example:
The current year is 2022, if you were born in 2000, your Korean age is: (2022 - 2000) 1 = 23 years old
Now is the year 2022, if you were born in 1990, your Korean age is: (2022 - 1990) + 1 = 33 years old
This is quite an interesting and unique thing in Korea. If you are an international student, or you have a Korean friend, then remember to wish them a happy birthday!