THINK Global School
THINK Global School (TGS) is an independent high school that traverses the world for three years, with pupils learning in ten countries. The school is non-profit, co-educational, and agnostic. Harald and Joann McPike started Think Global School.
By studying biology in four different environments each year, reading authors in their native lands, or discussing philosophy where the concept of philosophy was born, you'll connect your education to your environment in ways you never thought possible. This is your chance to soar if you're a forward-thinking student who never stops asking questions.
THINK Global School is the meeting point of travel and education, where Global Studies are genuinely global and no subject is restricted to the classroom. Through meaningful projects and interactions, you'll learn to explore, research, and document the world around you with peers worldwide.
Education should provide context and insight into today's most serious issues by connecting you to the world around you. The Changemaker Curriculum, which draws on the twenty-first century's most innovative and effective educational models, combines high academic standards with interdisciplinary, project-based learning.
Each semester is unique when it comes to where you'll live. You could be living in a dorm on a host school campus one term, an apartment in a bustling city the next, and a rainforest hut the next.
All of the accommodations, however, have one thing in common: you'll be living in a community with other students and staff, and you'll have a safe and comfortable place to sleep every night.
Your development at THINK Global School encompasses your body, mind, and spirit. While it does not have a standard gym-shorts-and-whistles physical education curriculum, it does place a significant focus on physical fitness and encourages you to build an exercise regimen that improves your body and nurtures your soul.
Founded: 2010
Tuition fees: $94,050
Phone: +1 646 808 0675
Address: 1460 Broadway, #4027New York, NY 10036