TK Bakery
In 1998, Purple Cane released its first tea mooncake. Tea leaves must be ground if tea is to be included in the festival treats. The tea leaves are combined with other components to create the pastry crust and are then ground into a fine powder. It pairs beautifully with mouthwatering fillings like red bean paste, lotus paste, and other nuts. Because they are neither very sweet nor overly savory and have a modest fat level, mooncakes appeal to even the healthiest of people. It is a cool treat for a frequently observed holiday.
In addition to the refined and exquisite green tea mooncake, Purple Cane's Tea now offers mooncakes with a Cantonese-style pastry shell and filling that are created with black tea, oolong tea, green tea, and puer tea. Mooncakes with tea leaves added are a genuine treat; they have a flavorful, delicate taste, are high in plant fiber, and hence, promote health and beauty.
Popular for its high-end teas and meals that contain tea, Purple Cane. They prepare and make their tea-flavored mooncakes with hints of Chinese tea. Mooncakes from Purple Cane are not only gorgeous, but they are also healthier thanks to the lack of preservatives, reduced sugar content, and reduced oil usage.