Wolters Kluwer
The Dutch information services provider Wolters Kluwer N.V. is listed on the Euronext Amsterdam stock exchange as WKL. The company has offices in both Philadelphia, United States (corporate) and Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands (Global). In 1987, Kluwer Publishers and Wolters Samsom merged to establish what is now known as Wolters Kluwer. The firm's target industries include those associated with law, business, accounting, finance, auditing, risk management, compliance, and healthcare. Over 150 nations have been served so far.
As of 2013, Wolters Kluwer had four operational divisions: Tax & Accounting, Health, and the Governance, Risk & Compliance Division. Legal & Regulatory Solutions (sold to Peninsula Business Services in 2017; Wolters Kluwer continued to operate a division named Legal & Regulatory U.S., which also retained its Aspen Publisher's, Inc. marquee until 2021. The corporation has operations in more than 150 nations. Online, software, and service sales accounted for over 74% of 2013 revenue for the corporation. Wolters Kluwer Health manages the medical publishing industry in the United States.
Founded: 1968
Headquarters: Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands
Website: https://www.wolterskluwer.com/en