X-Men: The Animated Series
The franchise has had some incredible ups and some major downs in the 28 years since the debut of X-Men: The Animated Series. We've seen a few amazing X-Men films and a number of really bad cinematic experiences, but none of them, compare to 1992's X-Men. The X-Men didn't hold back from the outset. The program literally plucked pages from comic books and made them animate in front of our eyes.
While the animation was a little shaky in spots (particularly in the early episodes), the voice acting and storytelling more than made up for it. The X-Men took on some of Marvel Comics' most memorable tales and, in some ways, did them better than their film equivalents. Long before the Marvel Cinematic Universe was ever conceived, the X-Men were able to weave into other Marvel products. When the X-Men crossed paths with Peter Parker from Spider-Man: The Animated Series, some of the finest arcs in the show occurred. Not only did X-Men cross over with other continuing Marvel titles, but it also gave birth to other fantastic X-Men cartoons like X-Men: Evolution and the shamefully brief Wolverine and the X-Men.
Detailed information:
Creators: Mark Edward Edens, Sidney Iwanter, Eric Lewald(story editor)
Stars: Cedric Smith, Cal Dodd, Lenore Zann
Original release: October 31, 1992
Running time: 22 minutes
Link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103584