Top 10 Best Online JavaScript Courses
JavaScript is among the most favorable programming languages to learn for hobby projects and career/job perspectives. Make friends with JavaScript and advance ... read more...your career as a JS developer. Either you are learning JavaScript afresh or brushing up your programming skills, you will find these 10 best online JavaScript courses worth your time, effort, and money.
"JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts" ranked first in the list of best online JavaScript courses. The course 'JavaScript: Understanding the Odd Parts' is only for developers with intermediate or advanced JS knowledge. On successful completion, you will receive a certificate of completion. This premium JavaScript course, available on Udemy, includes 11.5 hours of on-demand video, seven articles, and 50 downloadable resources. It uses relevant examples and insightful drawings to convey many complex ideas regarding the JavaScript programming language. Indonesian, Italian, and Spanish are among the seven languages accessible. You also gain unlimited access to the course for the rest of your life.
Topics covered
- Building your own JS framework or library
- Examining popular JS frameworks and libraries
- Execution context and lexical environments
- Existence and Booleans
- IIFEs (Immediately Invoked Functions Expressions)
- JSON and Object Literals
- Objects and functions
- Operator precedence and associativity
- Prototypal inheritance
What you will learn
- Grasp how Javascript works and it's fundamental concepts
- Write solid, good Javascript code
- Understand advanced concepts such as closures, prototypal inheritance, IIFEs, and much more.
- Drastically improve your ability to debug problems in Javascript.
- Avoid common pitfalls and mistakes other Javascript coders make
- Understand the source code of popular Javascript frameworks
- Build your own Javascript framework or library
Rating: 4.7/5.0
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"Advanced JavaScript Concepts" ranks 2nd in the list of best online JavaScript courses. Have you mastered the fundamentals of JavaScript and want to move on to more advanced JavaScript topics? If you answered yes, you should take Udemy's Advanced JavaScript Concepts course. It satisfies the objective with 23.5 hours of on-demand video and 24 articles. You'll study all of the most up-to-date advanced JavaScript techniques, putting you ahead of the competition. It also covers both functional programming and object-oriented programming in JS. The Advanced JavaScript Concepts course, created by Andrei Neagoie, has been taken by over 10,000 people. Over 1.6k learners have given the course a 4.8-star rating, which is a great result.
Topics covered
- Comparing JS with other programming languages
- OOP vs. Functional Programming
- Asynchronous JavaScript
- Babel and TypeScript
- Function scope vs. Block scope in JavaScript
- JavaScript engine
- Garbage collection and memory leaks
- IIFEs and JavaScript runtime
- JavaScript types
- Modules in JavaScript
- Node.js
- Type coercion
What you will learn
- Advanced JavaScript Practices
- Object Oriented Programming
- Functional Programming
- Scope and Execution Context
- Inheritance + Prototype Chain
- Latest features: ES6, ES7, ES8, ES9, ES10, ES2020, ES2021
- Closures
- Asynchronous JavaScript + Event Loop
- JavaScript Modules
- JavaScript Engine and Runtime
- Error Handling
- Stack Overflow
- Memory Leaks
- Composition vs Inheritance
- Type Coersion
- Pass By Reference vs Pass by Value
- Higher Order Functions
Rating: 4.7/5.0
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"The Complete JavaScript Course 2020: Build Real Projects" ranks 3th in the list of best online JavaScript courses. Looking to get started with JavaScript right now so you can start working on real projects? Then you should take this Udemy JS course. Over 206k students have enrolled in the course, which has a 4.6-star rating based on 47k reviews. The JavaScript training is available in eight other languages, including French, German, and Spanish. There are 28 hours of on-demand video, ten articles, one downloadable resource, lifetime access, and a certificate of completion included in the course. The Complete JavaScript Course 2019 covers object-oriented programming, AJAX, and Webpack in addition to JavaScript.
Topics covered
- Basics of JavaScript
- Advanced JavaScript
- Blocks and IIFEs
- A crash course in Node.js
- DOM manipulation and events
- How JavaScript works
- Promises and Async/AwaitBecome an advanced, confident, and modern JavaScript developer from scratch
- Build 6 beautiful real-world projects for your portfolio (not boring toy apps)
What you will learn
- Become job-ready by understanding how JavaScript really works behind the scenes
- How to think and work like a developer: problem-solving, researching, workflows
- JavaScript fundamentals: variables, if/else, operators, boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, loops, strings, etc.
- Modern ES6+ from the beginning: arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, optional chaining (ES2020), etc.
- Modern OOP: Classes, constructors, prototypal inheritance, encapsulation, etc.
- Complex concepts like the 'this' keyword, higher-order functions, closures, etc.
- Asynchronous JavaScript: Event loop, promises, async/await, AJAX calls and APIs
- How to architect your code using flowcharts and common patterns
- Modern tools for 2022 and beyond: NPM, Parcel, Babel and ES6 modules
- Practice your skills with 50+ challenges and assignments (solutions included)
- Get fast and friendly support in the Q&A area
- Course pathways: design your unique learning path according to your goals!
Rating: 4.7/5.0
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'The Modern JavaScript Tutorial' by is one of the best online JavaScript courses accessible right now, covering everything from the very fundamentals to sophisticated JavaScript topics. This tutorial is completely free to use. The Modern JavaScript Tutorial's whole contents are divided into three sections:
- The JavaScript Language: Talks about starting programming with JavaScript and the various fundamental concepts about the popular web scripting language
- Browser: Document, Events, Interfaces: Describes managing the webpages, including adding elements, positioning and resizing them, dynamically creating interfaces, and visitor interaction
- Additional articles: Explains various advanced JS concepts
If you’re looking for a one-stop-shop for all JS tutorials, you must go for this course. You won’t regret it!
Topics covered
- JavaScript fundamentals
- Prototypes and inheritance
- Regular expressions
- Storing data in the browser
- Advanced working with functions
- Configuring object properties
- Cross-window communication
- Document and resource loading
- Generators, advanced iteration
- Introduction to Events
- Network requests
- Web components
Rating: 4.6/5.0
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The course 'The Modern JavaScript From the Ground Up' focuses on creating applications without the usage of JS frameworks or libraries. It has a fantastic 4.7-star rating based on 11k reviews. The course is also accessible in Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish, in addition to English. It's a great place to start if you're serious about learning JavaScript professionally. It provides you with all of the necessary JavaScript knowledge and expertise to begin working on your JS projects.
To get learners ready for JavaScript, this course uses 21.5 hours of on-demand video and 111 downloadable resources. A certificate of completion is also available, in addition to lifelong access and the opportunity to view the course material on mobile and TV.Topics covered
- JavaScript fundamentals
- Object-oriented aspects of JavaScript
- AJAX & Fetch API
- Asynchronous JS
- DOM manipulation & events
- Error handling in JavaScript
- Iterators & generators
- JavaScript patterns
- Regular expressions
What you will learn
- Modular learning sections & 10 real world projects with pure JavaScript
- Master the DOM (document object model) WITHOUT jQuery
- Asynchronous programming with Ajax, Fetch API, Promises & Async / Await
- OOP including ES5 prototypes & ES2015 classes
- Learn JavaScript Patterns
- Regular expressions, error handling, localStorage & more
Rating: 4.6/5.0
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"Explore and Master Chrome DevTools" ranks 6th in the list of best online JavaScript courses. The Chrome Developer toolbar features a total of 8 panels, each of which requires intermediate JavaScript knowledge to acquire and master. If you've been wanting to learn and master the Chrome DevTools, the 'Explore and Master Chrome DevTools' course is for you. This course is a 2-hour, 50-minute video tutorial that covers all aspects of the Chrome DevTools. You'll learn everything there is to know about the eight Chrome DevTools panels. You will be able to change the default scripts for each of the Chrome Panels by the end of this course. You'll also be able to troubleshoot UI bugs, implement conditional breakpoints, and handle errors.
Topics covered
- Overview of the Chrome DevTools and the Console
- Resources and Network Panels
- Source and Network Panels
- Timeline and Profiles Panels
- Elements Panel
What you will learn
- Debugging client-side web applications can be difficult because they involve a complex mix of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript while also storing data on the client and constantly communicating with a web server. In this course, Debugging Sites Using Chrome DevTools, you'll learn how to use the powerful set of tools included with Chrome to quickly diagnose and fix problems in your client-side applications. First, you'll learn how to examine and edit both the structure and style of a site to make sure your designs are being implemented correctly. Next, you'll discover how to fully harness the power of the browser console to log output, execute JavaScript, and troubleshoot problems. Finally, you'll explore how to step through and debug JavaScript code right in the browser and save fixes back to your development environment. When you're finished with this course, you'll have the skills needed to confidently and efficiently debug modern client-side web applications.
Rating: 4.5/5.0
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JavaScript for Beginners ranks 7th in the list of best online JavaScript courses. The goal of the JavaScript for Beginners course is to give students a thorough understanding of the various components of JS that are required to understand how JavaScript apps work. This course is one of the most compact and practical beginner-friendly JS courses, including 3.5 hours of on-demand video. This training has benefited around 3000 students. On successful completion of the course, you will be given a certificate to recognize your efforts and hard work.
The course will walk you through the language's variables, data structures, loops, conditionals, functions, working with objects, and more to help you grasp how basic to more complicated JavaScript programs work. In the second half of the course, we'll look at how to use JavaScript to interact with the DOM in the browser. Following that, there are several genuine JavaScript projects for you to follow along with and learn how to use the language in practice. You'll be creating features like "carousel sliders," "to-do lists," and "shopping carts," among others.
Topics covered
- JavaScript arrays, functions, and objects
- Conditionals, loops, and switch
- Building applications with JavaScript
- Closures, promises, and using fetch
- Destructuring and the spread operator
- Interacting with the browser’s DOM (Document Object Model)
What you will learn
- Understand how to create programs in JavaScript
- Learn the Document Object Model
- Create real JavaScript code projects
- Learn functional JavaScript programming
- Learn how to handle basic data structures via conditions and loops
- Get to know the practical insights of the JavaScript language
- Learn ES6 in practice
- Become Junior to Middle level javascript programmer
Rating: 4.0/5.0
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JavaScript is a high-level programming language that all modern web browsers support. It is also one of the core technologies of the web, along with HTML and CSS that you may have learned previously. This section will cover basic JavaScript programming concepts, which range from variables and arithmetic to objects and loops.
The 'Introduction to JavaScript' course offered by is another excellent JavaScript training for programming newbies. Introduction to JavaScript is a book for beginners in JavaScript who have little or no expertise with the online scripting language. It covers everything from data types and variables through JS objects and loops. A code test follows each chapter, which is one of the course's main draws. As a result, as soon as you've swallowed the new concepts, you may use the practice activities to see how well you've comprehended them.Topics covered
- Creating simple JS programs
- Global scope and functions
- Learning about the conditional and multiple conditional operators
- Commenting on the JS code
- Accessing multi-dimensional arrays with indexes
- Appending variables to strings
- Compound assignment with augmented addition/subtraction/multiplication/division
- Testing objects for properties
- Understanding string immutability
- Using the Assignment Operator for initializing variables and storing values
Rating: 4.3/5.0
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Javascript is a language that allows you to create interactive websites. Javascript has become an essential part of web technology along with HTML and CSS, since most browsers run javascript, you must learn javascript if you want to be part of web development, and you must learn it very well if you intend Being a Front Office Developer means that whatever your web development goals are, javascript can give you the tools you need to help achieve them, and you must decide to go beyond Front Office Development Office.
The use of javascript is now extended to Back Office development, mobile application development, desktop application development, game development, and countless other examples could be given (including home automation devices, microcontrollers, and even robots). Your knowledge of javascript will be something valuable that you can take with you for the rest of your life.
They can feel that you are already excited to start this javascript course and learn the first basic of javascript, but still you may still have doubts, is javascript hard to learn (especially you might hear how the string of characters can become complex)? Well, they can assure you that javascript is easy to get started with, because it's a higher level language, and what they mean by that is that javascript abstracts away most of the intricate details of the machine, that way you can focus on learning programming, javascript doesn't require any installation or configuration, you don't even have to buy it, all you need to get started is a web browser, and all modern browsers support javascript without the need for plugins, you can literally start learning javascript now.
Who is this course for?
- Those who are new to programming and want to learn the fundamentals of JavaScript
- People who started javascript somewhere else, but find some javascript topics confusing
- People who already do programming but want to add JavaScript to their arsenal
What you will learn:
- +11,939 students, the most popular Javascript course on the French market with a very good overall rating.
- +7h of content (always up to date) rich in lessons and full of examples where you can practice and see the true power of JavaScript.
- You don't need to get lost in the middle of +12 hours, we focus more on the tools and methods used in the quality approach in teaching.
- Understand how JavaScript actually works and its important fundamental concepts.
- Have a solid knowledge of JavaScript to avoid common mistakes.
- Being able to write solid and clean Javascript code while still having fun.
Rating: 4.7/5.0
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Because you are going to go into the details of the details. You will actually understand how JavaScript works in depth. Moreover, to get started in this course, you must already know a minimum of the basics of JavaScript. The goal is to understand all the subtleties of this language. In the end, you will be one of the few people who can boast of mastering Javascript. You will be able to rock your interviews!
And yes ! You will be able to answer all these little tests that recruiters love to give. But above all, you will finally understand behind the scenes and it will make you better developers. But then watch out! Becoming a Javascript monster has a price! You will have to hang on because they warn you right away: you will sweat from the brain... that's why they put on a cap by the way. In short, in this course, you will have to give 100%.
Now know that they will do EVERYTHING to make the secrets of Javascript as simple as possible for you. We're going to put everything under the microscope properly. And to check that everything is well integrated in your heads, I will give you a quiz at the end of each game. So it's not a quiz as usual! Since they are talking about complex things, they wanted to give you a detailed video correction for each of the quiz questions. Nothing is left to chance to help you understand, they will also apply your new knowledge directly to the Serpent Project: the Snake.
What you will learn
- Master Javascript
- Understand the intricacies of JavaScript (hoisting, this, closures, prototypes, etc.)
- Tearing up job interviews
Rating: 4.6/5.0
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