Top 10 Best Online Pedagogy Courses

Nguyen Kieu Trang 14 0 Error

Pedagogy is an encompassing term concerned with what a teacher does to influence learning in others. As the importance of high-quality early childhood ... read more...

  1. This course, one of the best online pedagogy courses, is intended for teachers and advanced students who want to improve their teaching skills and their ability to persuade others. Mark Bracher's book Radical Pedagogy provides the majority of the insights into human identity and its links to learning. Bracher is a well-known radical and critical pedagogy theorist and practitioner whose work has influenced the thinking and practice of thousands of educators.

    Overall, this course should be beneficial to anyone involved in the noble profession of teaching. It would be preferable if you read Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed in conjunction with this course, as Freire is unquestionably the father figure of critical pedagogy. On the instructor's Youtube channel, you can find extensive lectures on Freire (Postcolonialism). He is also open to any suggestions you may have, which he will take into account as he revises this course. Please feel free to contact me via the course messaging system if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.

    Who this course is for:

    • Teachers, graduate students, students working on teaching certifications.


    • An interest in learning about transformative teaching is essential to benefit from this course.

    Course ratings: 5.0/5

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  2. The pedagogy of teaching math is the knowledge that combines mathematics content and pedagogical skills. Elementary teachers need both an understanding of the central concepts and structures of mathematics and an ability to use that conceptual understanding to support their students' learning.

    So what math pedagogy can be used to achieve the goal of "Mathematization of Thoughts"? This course answers this fundamental question and expands on key math concepts for primary school students. The NCF-2005 and NCERT maths pedagogy are used in this course.

    For Primary classes, this course includes a solid understanding of perspective, pedagogy, and content. This course explains how to learn with comprehension by covering foundational mathematics, prenumerical concepts, number sense, operations, as well as engaging activities and assessments. This course would be a fantastic resource for any teacher!

    Who this course is for:

    • teachers
    • teacher's educators
    • student teachers
    • parents


    • Interest in learning and teaching

    Course ratings: 5.0/5

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  3. This course is for anyone interested in the future of education and the "learning society," including those considering a career in education, practicing teachers interested in exploring new directions for a profession that is currently undergoing change, and community and workplace leaders whose mission includes some "educative" components.

    It looks at three types of learning: "didactic," "authentic," and "transformative." To define the contemporary dimensions of what you call "new learning," you need to take a historical perspective. It helps participants make informed decisions and connect specific theories/instructional approaches to individual and group learning objectives.

    This course has the same content and anticipates the same level of contribution by students in the e-Learning Ecologies course offered to graduate certificate, masters, and doctoral level students in the Learning Design and Leadership Program in the College of Education at the University of Illinois. This is definitely one of the best online pedagogy courses.

    This course offers:

    • Flexible deadlines: Reset deadlines based on your availability.
    • Shareable certificate: Get a Certificate when you complete
    • 100% online
    • Beginner level
    • Approx. 15 hours to complete
    • Subtitles: Arabic, French, Portuguese (European), Italian, Vietnamese, German, Russian, English, Spanish

    Course ratings: 4.7/5

    Enroll here:
  4. How can teachers, middle leaders, senior leaders and headteachers help each other to stay in the profession? As an unprecedented number of teachers in the United Kingdom leave the profession due to job demands, this course aims to provide a collection of cutting-edge strategies that school leaders and classroom teachers can immediately implement to keep teachers teaching.

    The education children receive is critical to their future, and this course examines how schools can prevent "teacher burnout" and retain the best teachers. The course includes video lectures, articles, downloadable resources, and even diagnostic quizzes to assist you, the teacher or school leader, in developing a positive well-being culture in your school.

    In Complete Teacher Wellbeing in Schools course, you will learn about policies that can improve teacher well-being, how to inspire change from the bottom up in schools, and some strategies to support positive behavior for learning both in and out of the classroom. The course also covers strategies for reducing marking and assessment workload, as well as a discussion of toxic school cultures, how to avoid and change them.

    Who this course is for:

    • Anyone who is interested in how to develop genuine (teacher) wellbeing in schools
    • The course is aimed at aspiring middle leaders, middle leaders, senior leaders and headteachers but will benefit anyone interested in teacher wellbeing


    • Some contextual knowledge of educational systems would be helpful but not essential
    • Some experience of working within or around schools would be helpful but not essential

    Course ratings: 4.7/5

    Enroll here:
  5. The Foundations of Teaching for Learning program is for anyone who is teaching or wants to teach in any subject or context, whether at school, at home, or at work. This eight-course program will help you develop and strengthen your skills in teaching, professionalism, assessment, and more, with dynamic lessons taught by established and respected professionals from across the Commonwealth. As you progress through the program, you will find that you are strengthening not only your skills but also your relationships with colleagues all over the world. This is a fantastic opportunity for professional development.

    How you teach is influenced by how you were educated and learned. This course gives you the chance to reflect on your own personal and professional growth as a teacher. You will improve your knowledge and understanding of how to promote learning through reflection and portfolio development.

    This course offers:

    • Flexible deadlines: Reset deadlines based on your availability.
    • Shareable certificate: Get a Certificate when you complete
    • 100% online
    • Approx. 12 hours to complete
    • Subtitles: Arabic, French, Portuguese (European), Italian, Vietnamese, German, Russian, English, Spanish

    Course ratings: 4.6/5

    Enroll here:
  6. Niklas Kleberg, the instructor of this course, works full time as a teacher and has a master's degree in pedagogy from Gothenburg University and the Academy of Music and Drama in Gothenburg. For 10 years he has been teaching around 350 students a year in all ages, in the subjects of music, crafts, drama, and history. In this course, he will give you a good overview of pedagogy methods, theories, tools and practical tips regarding teaching others, in real life or on the web.

    The courses, divided into 3 parts, will have different types of orientations and projects, but will also be closely connected with each other and have projects that will help you evolve as a teacher. It is emphasized that you will have the best experience and progression if you take the courses in chronological order.

    Who this course is for:

    • Aspiring teachers who want to learn more about pedagogy and didactics
    • Teachers who want to expand their knowledge base regarding pedagogy and didactics
    • Teachers who want a better classroom climate
    • Lecturer who want a better contact with their audience
    • Everyone that want to teach something to someone else


    • No previous knowledge required but an interest in pedagogy and didactics will help you grow faster

    Course ratings: 4.5/5

    Enroll here:
  7. This course is for anyone interested in literacy teaching and learning, including those considering a career in education, practicing teachers interested in exploring future directions for a profession that is currently undergoing change, and community and workplace leaders whose mission includes an educational component.

    The course begins by looking at the social context and goals of literacy instruction and learning. It then goes on to describe a variety of historical and contemporary literacy pedagogy approaches, including didactic, authentic, functional, and critical approaches. The course is taught from a 'Multiliteracies' perspective, which aims to broaden the definition of literacy to include today's multimodal communications as well as the diversity of literacies found in various social and cultural settings. Experiential, conceptual, analytical, and critical activities are all suggested as part of a Multiliteracies approach.

    This course offers:

    • Flexible deadlines: Reset deadlines based on your availability.
    • Shareable certificate: Get a Certificate when you complete
    • 100% online
    • Beginner level
    • Approx. 16 hours to complete
    • Subtitles: French, Portuguese (European), Russian, English, Spanish

    Course ratings: 4.4/5

    Enroll here:
  8. This course will introduce you to the Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire, which is one of the most important works on critical and progressive pedagogy. If you're a teacher, scholar, student, or activist, knowing this book and its philosophy will help you better understand the world and motivate you to work toward a more just and equitable world.

    This course is divided into video lectures, which include explanations of Freire's major concepts, chapter-by-chapter discussions, and more in-depth conceptual and philosophical discussions. How powerful systems keep you entrenched in dehumanizing systems?, what is the difference between the top-down (Banking) system of education and what Freire calls "Problem Solving Education", and how education must function as a project of emancipation are some of the things you will be able to clearly discern and understand after the course.

    The course includes textual resources, links to longer and more detailed videos, and links to the instructor's website resources in addition to the video lectures. He is also open to any suggestions you may have, which he will take into account as he revises this course. So please feel free to contact him via the course messaging system if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.

    Who this course is for:

    • This course is for all those interested in the Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Freire, and Social Justice Pedagogy.


    • An interest in liberatory and progressive education.

    Course ratings: 4.4/5

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  9. Evaluation of Classroom Pedagogy is a module that brings together ideas about evaluation and teaching skills with expertise in mentoring children to become better and more innovative. The course's goal is to make them good and smart by conducting regular analyses and frameworks of classroom pedagogy, as well as mentoring and narration of their learning outcomes.

    Teachers who motivate students, differentiate instruction, make content relevant, and ensure that no student is left behind are more important than any other factor. Students enjoy the subject only if they enjoy the teacher, so it is a directly proportional element in the classroom. The equilibrium of learning together rather than teaching signifies the teacher's drive in the class with the vocabulary. "Teachers know best," as the saying goes, activates wisdom not just in words but in deeds. The sole justification for this far-fetched approach can be found in the nutshell element of an easy approach to open knowledge that is free, versatile, and dual in surprises. Compliment each kid, specially the difficult ones. That might be the only positive thing they hear all day.

    Who this course is for:

    • Teachers/ Educators/ School Heads


    • ICT Expertise and Classroom Management Skills

    Course ratings: 4.3/5

    Enroll here:
  10. This bite-sized course was created to provide anyone in Learning and Development with the most comprehensive understanding of what Instructional Design is and how to effectively create meaningful E-Learning.

    To give you the best educational introduction to this subject, the course is broken down into useful instructor-led videos and hand-picked resources. Everything is written in 'plain English,' and it contains all of the information that is useful for your career. This course delves into the ADDIE framework in depth to give you a well-rounded understanding of how to analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate your online courses through the creation of multiple mediums to transfer knowledge to your learners.

    These skills provide a transferable foundation for effectively understanding what solutions are required as well as direction as to which medium might be best used, whether you are creating learning for education or corporates. The techniques discussed have been tried and tested in hundreds of courses to ensure that you are prepared for success in Learning and Development.

    Who this course is for:

    • Anyone who wants to be able to create meaningful online courses


    • No experience necessary!

    Course ratings: 4.3/5

    Emroll here:

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