Attack on Titan
"Attack on Titan" is a highly popular mystery anime that transports viewers to a post-apocalyptic world. In this universe, humanity resides within colossal walls, which protect them from massive creatures called Titans. The series follows a group of young soldiers determined to uncover the truth behind the Titans and the mysteries that shroud their existence.
The complexity of the plot in "Attack on Titan" is a notable feature. As the story unfolds, it gradually reveals layers of intrigue and conspiracy, leaving viewers continually questioning the true nature of the Titans, the origins of the walls, and the motives of various characters. This complexity keeps the audience engaged and eager for answers, making it a true masterpiece within the mystery anime genre.
In terms of pacing, "Attack on Titan" strikes a careful balance. It alternates effectively between heart-pounding action sequences and slower, character-driven moments that allow for deeper exploration of the story's mysteries. This deliberate pacing keeps viewers on the edge of their seats while also providing ample time for character development and plot exposition. "Attack on Titan" is a must-see for any mystery anime enthusiast, offering a captivating narrative, intricate plot twists, and a well-balanced pace that will leave you craving more with each episode.
Directed by: Tetsurō Araki (S1–3), Masashi Koizuka (S2–3), Yuichiro Hayashi (S4), Jun Shishido (S4)
Air dates: April 7, 2013
IMDb rating: 9.0