"Baccano!" is a captivating and unconventional anime series that stands out for its intricate storytelling, diverse cast of characters, and unique narrative structure. "Baccano!" tells a complex and non-linear story set in the United States during the 1930s, blending elements of crime, mystery, supernatural, and dark comedy. The narrative is divided into multiple interconnected storylines that span different time periods and locations. This narrative structure keeps viewers engaged as they piece together the puzzle of the series.
The central thread revolves around a mysterious elixir called "the Grand Panacea" that grants immortality to those who consume it. As the story unfolds, it introduces a multitude of characters, each with their own motives and quirks, all connected by their encounters with the elixir. The storytelling is frenetic and dynamic, often jumping between various timelines, creating a sense of chaos that mirrors the series' title, which means "ruckus" or "turmoil" in Italian.
"Baccano!" boasts a diverse and memorable ensemble cast, each with their own distinct personalities and backstories. The characters range from gangsters and thieves to immortals and alchemists. Their interactions, humor, and depth make them a significant strength of the series. Standout characters include Isaac and Miria, a lovable and comical duo, and Ladd Russo, a charismatic yet psychopathic hitman.
Directed by: Takahiro Omori
Air dates: July 27, 2007
IMDb rating: 8.2