"Erased" is a well-known anime series that falls into the mystery and thriller genres. The anime Erased is praised for its excellent pacing. It strikes a balance between the past and present, alternating between them to build suspense and unravel the central mystery. The pacing keeps viewers engaged by gradually revealing key information while maintaining a sense of urgency throughout the series.
The story revolves around Satoru Fujinuma, a struggling manga artist with a unique ability called "Revival." This ability allows him to travel back in time, albeit involuntarily, to prevent tragic events. When a series of murders from his childhood resurface in his adult life, Satoru finds himself transported 18 years into the past to prevent these crimes and save the lives of his friends and loved ones. The central mystery involves uncovering the identity of the serial killer and the reasons behind their actions.
"Erased" consists of 12 episodes and originally aired in Japan from January 8, 2016, to March 25, 2016. It's a relatively short series that manages to maintain a high level of intrigue and suspense from start to finish. The anime was directed by Tomohiko Ito. He's known for his work on other popular anime series such as "Sword Art Online" and "Silver Spoon." Under his direction, "Erased" effectively brings the source material to life, capturing the essence of the original manga's mystery and emotional depth.
Directed by: Tomohiko Ito
Air dates: January 8, 2016
IMDb rating: 8.5