Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei
"The Tatami Galaxy" (Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei) is an anime that delves into the life of an unnamed protagonist, often referred to as "Watashi" (which means "I" in Japanese), as he navigates the complexities of university life. The story is presented in a unique, time-loop narrative format where Watashi experiences different versions of his college life based on the choices he makes.
Each episode explores a different parallel universe, with Watashi joining various university clubs and interacting with different characters, including the mysterious and manipulative fortune teller Ozu and his love interest, Akashi. The overarching theme of the series is Watashi's quest to find the "rose-colored campus life" he yearns for, but his repeated choices lead to unexpected and often humorous consequences.
"Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei" is renowned for its distinctive visual style and the use of a unique visual filter. The animation is presented in a distinctive, flattened, and highly stylized manner, which adds to the show's surreal and dreamlike atmosphere. This unconventional approach to animation sets "The Tatami Galaxy" apart and contributes to its artistic appeal. The series also features a memorable and eclectic soundtrack that complements the narrative. The music enhances the mood and tone of each episode, adding depth to the storytelling.
Directed by: Masaaki Yuasa
Air dates: April 23, 2010
IMDb rating: 8.4