Made in Abyss
"Made in Abyss" is an anime series known for its captivating world-building, intriguing characters, and exploration of the unknown. The story of "Made in Abyss" primarily follows two central characters:
- Riko: a determined and brave young girl who aspires to become a legendary Cave Raider like her mother. She embarks on a perilous journey into the Abyss, a massive, mysterious chasm filled with dangerous creatures and artifacts, to uncover the truth about her mother's disappearance.
- Reg: a robot boy who encounters Riko in the Abyss. He has no memory of his past and possesses remarkable abilities. Reg becomes Riko's companion and protector as they delve deeper into the Abyss.
This film good at character development, particularly in portraying Riko's growth and resilience as she faces increasingly challenging obstacles in the Abyss. As the story progresses, her determination and adaptability are tested, and viewers witness her transformation from an inexperienced adventurer to a resourceful and courageous explorer. "Made in Abyss" has garnered significant acclaim and popularity among anime enthusiasts and critics. Its unique premise, captivating world-building, and emotional depth have made it a standout series in the fantasy and adventure genres. It has also received praise for its striking art and animation.
Directed by: Masayuki Kojima
Air dates: July 7, 2017
IMDb rating: 8.4