A unique and intriguing anime series that combines elements of urban fantasy, supernatural mystery, and complex character interactions, "Durarara!!". One of the strengths of "Durarara!!" lies in its rich and multifaceted characters. The ensemble cast includes individuals like Mikado Ryuugamine, a newcomer to Ikebukuro who becomes entangled in its underworld; Shizuo Heiwajima, an extraordinarily strong and easily angered man; and Izaya Orihara, a cunning information broker with a penchant for chaos.
"Durarara!!" is set in the bustling district of Ikebukuro in Tokyo, known for its vibrant and chaotic atmosphere. The story revolves around a diverse cast of characters, each with their own secrets and motivations, whose lives intersect in unexpected and sometimes supernatural ways.
The central plot of the series is driven by the urban legend of the mysterious headless rider, Celty Sturluson, who searches for her stolen head in Ikebukuro. As the story unfolds, it weaves together various subplots involving gang conflicts, supernatural beings, and the enigmatic Dollars, an anonymous online organization.
"Durarara!!" incorporates supernatural elements seamlessly into its urban setting. Celty Sturluson, the headless rider, is a prominent supernatural character who adds an air of mystery and intrigue to the series. Additionally, there are other supernatural beings and phenomena that play a role in the narrative, keeping viewers engaged in the supernatural aspects of the story.
Directed by: Takahiro Omori
Air dates: January 8, 2010
IMDb rating: 7.8