Attack on Titan
Attack on Titan serialized in Bessatsu Shonen Magazine from 2009 to April 2021, is one of the most intriguing manga series. The story is set in the context of humanity living behind three massive walls built to protect humanity from man-eating giants called Titans (named in the English version, the Japanese original is called Titan). Kyojin - "Giant", literally "giant"). The story follows Eren Yeager, who vows to destroy all Titans in the world after witnessing them destroy walls, ravage his homeland, and eat his mother.
In April 2014, Oricon announced that the series had sold 30 million copies. As of November 2014, the series had 45 million copies in print, by December 2019, the number had increased to 100 million. Volume 12 of the series. The first printed story sold 2.2 million copies, making Titan War one of only three manga series to have the first printed copies surpass 2 million, the other two being One Piece and The Sword of Slaughter. Devil. In 2015, the series sold 8,778,048 copies in third place, and 6,544,081 copies in 2016, ranking fourth. In 2017, Titan War was the second best-selling series, with sales of 6,622,781 copies, second only to One Piece.