Bleach is an action and adventure manga, which began in Weekly Shonen Jump in 2001 and finished in 2016 with 74 volumes. Bleach follows the adventures of Kurosaki Ichigo after he obtains the powers of "Shinigami" (死神, Death) from another Shinigami, Kuchiki Rukia. This newfound power forces him to take on the task of protecting humans from evil spirits and guiding souls to the afterlife.
The manga has sold over 72 million copies in Japan and is one of the best-selling manga in the United States. The anime adaptation received the same, being rated the fourth most popular anime television series in Japan in 2006 and holding a spot in the top ten anime in the United States from 2006-2008. Bleach also received the Shogakukan Manga Award in 2005 and is one of the best-selling manga in both Japan and the United States. In 2011, Bleach was ranked 8th among the best-selling manga in Japan.