Naruto is a manga series created by Kishimoto Masashi, the work tells about Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja who always wants to find a way to assert himself to be recognized by everyone and raise his dream of becoming the village leader Hokage. The plot is divided into two parts - the first is set a few years before his teenage years and the second is in Naruto's teenage years. The Naruto manga series is one of Viz's top revenue sources, accounting for almost 10% of all manga sales in 2006. Volume 7 published by Viz was excellently awarded the "Best Comic" award in 2006 and Naruto became the first manga series to win the Quill Award. Volume 36, the manga has sold more than 71 million copies in Japan, by 2019 about 250 million copies have been sold around the world.
The manga's setting is in the fictional world of Shinobi (Ninja), and it focuses on the main character Naruto, who at first hopelessly becomes a Ninja but gradually develops his skills through repeated setbacks. In addition to the boy, many of his friends, teachers, and even enemy characters are introduced in Naruto. This is a manga that is loved by many people around the world.