
Created by Dorothee SchönCharité is a drama television series set in Germany. Sönke Wortmann directed the first season, which was written by Grimme-Preis winner Dorothee Schön and Sabine Thor-Wiedemann and directed by Sönke Wortmann. The season is set at Berlin's Charité hospital in 1888 and the years that followed. The series began on the German channel Das Erste on March 21, 2017, and has been available on Netflix in the United States since April 2018.

In November 2017, a second series began production, with the first episode airing in Germany in February 2019. Anno Saul directed this season, which was also written by Schön and Thor-Wiedemann. It takes place between 1943 and 1945. Because of the long gap between seasons, the cast was replaced with a whole new group of performers. Charité at War, the second series, premiered on Netflix in North America in mid-2019.

Detailed information:

Created by: Dorothee Schön

Directed by: Sönke Wortmann

Original release: 21 March 2017

Link to watch:


Top 10 Best Doctor Movies and TV shows on Netflix

  1. top 1 End Game (2018)
  2. top 2 Doctor (2021)
  3. top 3 Extremis (2016)
  4. top 4 Take Your Pills (2018)
  5. top 5 The Good Doctor
  6. top 6 Charité
  7. top 7 Medical Police
  8. top 8 Patch Adams (1998)
  9. top 9 New Amsterdam (2018)
  10. top 10 Grey's Anatomy (2005)

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