The Good Doctor

The Good Doctor is a medical drama television series based on a South Korean series of the same name that premiered in 2013. The original series caught the attention of actor Daniel Dae Kim, who purchased the rights for his production firm. He started developing the show and finally sold it to CBS, his home network, in 2015. CBS chose not to make a pilot. Kim acquired back the rights to the series from CBS because he was so passionate about it. Sony Pictures Television and Kim eventually reached an agreement, and David Shore, the creator of Fox's medical drama House, was hired to produce the series.

Sony Pictures Television and ABC Studios are producing the show in collaboration with Shore Z Productions, 3AD, and Entermedia. The show's showrunner is David Shore, while the show's executive producer is Daniel Dae Kim. On September 25, 2017, the series premiered. Critics have usually given The Good Doctor mixed reviews, praising Highmore's portrayal while criticizing the series' plots. The series was renewed for a fifth season in May 2021, and it began on September 27, 2021.

Detailed information:

Developed by: David Shore
Based on: Good Doctor by Park Jae-bum
Original release: September 25, 2017
Link to watch:

The Good Doctor
The Good Doctor
The Good Doctor - Sony Pictures Entertainment

Top 10 Best Doctor Movies and TV shows on Netflix

  1. top 1 End Game (2018)
  2. top 2 Doctor (2021)
  3. top 3 Extremis (2016)
  4. top 4 Take Your Pills (2018)
  5. top 5 The Good Doctor
  6. top 6 Charité
  7. top 7 Medical Police
  8. top 8 Patch Adams (1998)
  9. top 9 New Amsterdam (2018)
  10. top 10 Grey's Anatomy (2005)

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