Medical Police
Medical Police is an American comedic streaming television series that launched on Netflix on January 10, 2020 and was developed by Rob Corddry, Krister Johnson, Jonathan Stern, and David Wain. Medical Police is a satire of international spy thrillers and is a spin-off of the short-form alt-comedy series Children's Hospital, which ridiculed medical dramas. Lola Spratt and Owen Maestro, doctors at Children's Hospital, are played by Erinn Hayes and Rob Huebel, respectively.
They are recruited as government operatives in a global race to find a cure after discovering a world-threatening illness. They uncover a vast plot within the pandemic in the process. The series' depiction of a worldwide illness epidemic, which was released during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, has been regarded as "inadvertently topical."
Detailed information:
Created by: Rob Corddry
Directed by: David Wain, Bill Benz
Original release: January 10, 2020
Link to watch: