Grey's Anatomy (2005)

Grey's Anatomy is an American medical drama that began as a mid-season replacement on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) on March 27, 2005. The show follows surgical interns, residents, and attendings as they grow into experienced surgeons while juggling personal and professional relationships. Gray's Anatomy, a renowned human anatomy textbook created by Henry Gray and originally published in London in 1858, is referenced in the title. Shonda Rhimes wrote the series' pilot and continued to write for it until 2015.

Grey's Anatomy has gotten positive reviews from reviewers for most of its run and has been included in several critics' year-end top ten lists. Because of its length and high ratings, the show has been referred to as a television "phenomenon" or "juggernaut" by the media since its start. It has earned multiple prizes, including the Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series – Drama, and a total of 38 Primetime Emmy Award nominations, including two for Outstanding Drama Series, and is considered to have had a significant impact on popular culture. Individual performances by the cast members have also gained praise.

Detailed information:

Created by: Shonda Rhimes

Producers: Ann Kindberg

Original release: March 27, 2005

Link to watch:

Grey's Anatomy (2005)
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
Grey's Anatomy (2005)

Top 10 Best Doctor Movies and TV shows on Netflix

  1. top 1 End Game (2018)
  2. top 2 Doctor (2021)
  3. top 3 Extremis (2016)
  4. top 4 Take Your Pills (2018)
  5. top 5 The Good Doctor
  6. top 6 Charité
  7. top 7 Medical Police
  8. top 8 Patch Adams (1998)
  9. top 9 New Amsterdam (2018)
  10. top 10 Grey's Anatomy (2005)

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