The only large predator that frequently hunts zebras during the day is the cheetah. These creatures move exceedingly quickly, with top speeds of 70 miles per hour (112 kilometers per hour). They are one of the zebra's most lethal adversaries due to their quickness and keen eyesight. When hunting in packs, cheetahs can take down larger, adult zebras because they have the benefit of numbers, strength, and the ability to overcome the zebra. Lone cheetahs typically hunt young colts.
Zebras have created a number of defenses against cheetahs. One of them is to come together as a harem. A harem is a community of ladies that are linked to one another and congregate for safety. Zebras can defend themselves by fleeing as well. Despite their incredible speed, they cannot outrun a cheetah. Zebras will use their powerful kicks to try to hurt cheetahs if they catch up to them.
The loss and fragmentation of their habitats are a threat to cheetahs as well. They can only hunt successfully in vast wide spaces. However, as people encroach on their region, their habitats are being destroyed. As a result, it is more difficult for cheetahs to survive.