Nile crocodiles
Zebras have been reported to be killed by crocodiles for food. These animals are extremely strong and have little trouble killing their prey. They have an edge over zebras because they are also incredibly quick in the water. When zebras need to cross a body of water or go for a relaxing drink, they may encounter these ambush predators in dam and river waters. Then, when the opportunity arises, they strike, squeezing their prey with a powerful bite that is difficult to escape. Nile crocodiles will attempt to drown or crush their prey in order to kill them.
Zebras will frequently attempt to avoid crocodiles since they are aware of the threat they bring. Although a zebra can occasionally escape the jaws of these strong beasts, it will take a great deal of fortitude and courage for a zebra to refuse to accept its death. The Nile crocodile is a formidable opponent.