One of the predators of zebras that eat zebras is the leopard. These animals can climb trees to reach their prey and are quite secretive. They can run up to 37 miles per hour and are also quite quick (60 kilometers per hour). They pose a significant threat to zebras as a result.
Despite their diminutive size, they have resilient muscles. Despite being smaller than large predators like lions, they will readily hunt young or injured zebras. The leopard's coat makes it simple for them to blend in with the tall grass as they approach unwary prey like the zebra. When they attack, they would seize their target in their teeth and keep it there while delivering death blow after lethal blow.
Leopards are opportunistic hunters and will consume any food they can, including the victims of other predators. They have also been observed picking through carcasses. Africa, Asia, and the Middle East are all home to leopards.
There are still between 10,000 to 12,000 leopards roaming free. Their populations are diminishing, despite the fact that they are not thought of as an endangered species.