Christina Malecka, MA

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Phương Thảo

Christina Malecka, a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, offers a unique and personalized approach to therapy in downtown Seattle. With over 18 years of experience, she emphasizes the importance of in-person therapy. Her practice provides a warm and welcoming space, free from digital distractions. This setting includes a sunlit office adorned with books, artwork, and plants.

Christina specializes in counseling adults and adolescents who often feel marginalized or 'othered' by dominant culture, societal norms, or family biases. She works with clients who experience as outsiders for various reasons. It includes lifestyle choices, societal oppression, or family and societal biases. Her approach is tailored to each client's unique experiences and needs. It focuses on their strengths and possibilities rather than deficits or pathology. This personalized approach ensures that therapy is relevant and effective for each individual.

Her practice is also informed by an anti-oppression lens. It reflects her passion for social change at both macro and micro levels. Christina believes in the transformative power of therapy as a form of micro-social change. This perspective integrates individual growth with broader societal impacts. That highlights the interconnection between personal healing and collective well-being.

Christina Malecka's office is located at 1904 Third Avenue, Suite 1017, Seattle, WA 98101. She offers a free initial 20-minute consultation to all potential clients and maintains flexible hours, including some evenings. For those interested in her services, she can be contacted at 206.414.8251 or via email at

Key Takeaways:

  • Official Website:
  • Contact:
    • Email:
    • Phone: 206.414.8251
  • Location: 1904 Third Avenue, Suite 1017, Seattle, WA 98101.
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