Citrus, a captivating and widely acclaimed LGBT+ manga, has secured its position as one of the best of all time. This compelling webtoon, written and illustrated by Saburouta, weaves a complex and emotionally charged story. The plot centers around Yuzu Aihara, a fashionable and outgoing high school girl whose life takes an unexpected turn when her mother remarries, and she is forced to transfer to a strict all-girls school. There, she encounters Mei Aihara, the student council president and her enigmatic stepsister. As their lives intertwine, a passionate and forbidden romance blossoms between them, testing societal norms and challenging their own inner conflicts.
Citrus has garnered significant fame and a dedicated fanbase, accumulating a substantial number of views on legal manga platforms. The series appeals to readers who appreciate intense drama, romance, and exploration of complex relationships. It became famous for its striking artwork, captivating storytelling, and its unflinching portrayal of love and desire amidst societal expectations and personal struggles.
Written and Illustrated by: Saburouta
Number of Chapters: 50 (completed)
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