Gravitation, a timeless LGBT+ manga, has rightfully earned its place among the best of all time. This captivating webtoon, written by Maki Murakami, follows the journey of Shuichi Shindou, a passionate young musician, as he strives to achieve his dreams of becoming a successful singer-songwriter. Along the way, Shuichi's life becomes intertwined with that of Eiri Yuki, a brooding and enigmatic romance novelist. As their paths converge, a tumultuous love story unfolds, fraught with obstacles and personal growth.
Gravitation has garnered immense popularity and a devoted fanbase, accumulating a significant number of views on legal manga platforms. The series appeals to readers who enjoy a blend of romance, drama, and music. It became famous for its engaging storytelling, dynamic characters, and exploration of themes such as love, ambition, and the challenges faced by individuals navigating their identities and relationships.
Written and Illustrated by: Maki Murakami
Number of Chapters: 54 (completed)
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