Given, a remarkable entry in the realm of LGBT+ manga, has secured its place as one of the best of all time. This captivating webtoon, written by Natsuki Kizu and illustrated by Natsuki Kizu, presents a heartfelt and poignant story that resonates with readers from various backgrounds. The plot revolves around the lives of four passionate musicians who form a band called "Given." As they navigate their personal struggles, their shared love for music intertwines with the blossoming romance between two band members.
Given has garnered widespread acclaim and a dedicated fanbase, amassing a substantial number of views on legal manga platforms. The series has captivated readers with its authentic portrayal of LGBTQ+ relationships, emotional depth, and the exploration of themes such as self-discovery, coming to terms with one's identity, and the healing power of music. Its relatable characters, well-crafted storytelling, and beautiful artwork have contributed to its immense popularity.
Written by: Natsuki Kizu
Illustrated by: Natsuki Kizu
Number of Chapters: Ongoing
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