Yuri!!! on Ice
Yuri!!! on Ice, a groundbreaking manga, has solidified its position as one of the best LGBT+ manga of all time. This captivating webtoon, written by Mitsurou Kubo and illustrated by Sayo Yamamoto, presents a unique and compelling story that appeals to a wide range of readers. The plot revolves around the world of competitive figure skating and the blossoming relationship between Japanese figure skater Yuuri Katsuki and his Russian coach, Victor Nikiforov.
Yuri!!! on Ice has garnered immense popularity and a devoted fanbase, accumulating a significant number of views on legal manga platforms. The series has captivated readers with its stunning artwork, intricate character development, and the genuine portrayal of a same-sex romance in the sports genre. It has broken barriers by showcasing a positive and authentic representation of LGBTQ+ relationships, exploring themes of personal growth, determination, and the power of love and support.
Written by: Mitsurou Kubo
Illustrated by: Sayo Yamamoto
Number of Chapters: Ongoing
Read here: https://tapas.io/series/Yuri-On-Ice/info