Hourou Musuko
Hourou Musuko, an exceptional LGBT+ manga, has rightfully earned its place among the best of all time. This poignant webtoon, written and illustrated by Takako Shimura, presents a sensitive and thought-provoking story that appeals to readers of various backgrounds. The plot revolves around the lives of Shuichi Nitori and Yoshino Takatsuki, two middle school students struggling with their gender identities. As they navigate the challenges of adolescence and societal expectations, they find solace and support in their friendship.
Hourou Musuko has gained significant acclaim and a dedicated fanbase, accumulating a substantial number of views on legal manga platforms. The series captivates readers with its delicate artwork, nuanced character development, and exploration of themes such as gender identity, self-acceptance, and the complexity of relationships. It stands out for its realistic portrayal of LGBTQ+ experiences and the challenges faced by individuals navigating their identities in a conforming society.
Written and Illustrated by: Takako Shimura
Number of Chapters: 123
Read here: https://ww6.manganelo.tv/manga/manga-kt962328