Doukyuusei, a remarkable entry in the world of LGBT+ manga, has rightfully earned its place among the best of all time. This captivating webtoon, written and illustrated by Asumiko Nakamura, presents a gentle and heartfelt story that appeals to readers of various backgrounds. The plot revolves around the relationship between high school students Hikaru Kusakabe and Rihito Sajou. As they navigate their shared experiences in school and the music club, a deep bond forms between them, leading to a blossoming romance.
Doukyuusei has gained significant recognition and a devoted fanbase, accumulating a considerable number of views on legal manga platforms. The series captivates readers with its elegant artwork, nuanced character development, and its exploration of themes such as first love, self-discovery, and the complexities of teenage relationships. It stands out for its tender storytelling, subtle emotions, and the authentic portrayal of LGBTQ+ characters and their experiences.
Written and Illustrated by: Asumiko Nakamura
Number of Chapters: Ongoing
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