Ouran High School Host Club
Ouran High School Host Club, a beloved manga series, has gained recognition as one of the best LGBT+ manga of all time. This captivating webtoon, written and illustrated by Bisco Hatori, offers a delightful blend of comedy, romance, and gender-bending antics. The plot centers around Haruhi Fujioka, a scholarship student at the prestigious Ouran Academy. Accidentally breaking an expensive vase, Haruhi finds herself indebted to the eccentric Host Club, where she must disguise herself as a boy to entertain female clients. As humorous situations unfold, Haruhi's relationships with the club members, particularly the flamboyant Tamaki Suoh, deepen and blossom.
Ouran High School Host Club has garnered immense popularity and a devoted fanbase, accumulating a significant number of views on legal manga platforms. The series appeals to readers who enjoy a mix of humor, romance, and light-hearted storytelling. It became famous for its witty dialogue, charming characters, and its exploration of themes such as identity, self-discovery, and the fluidity of gender roles.
Written and Illustrated by: Bisco Hatori
Number of Chapters: 87
Read here: https://ww6.mangakakalot.tv/chapter/manga-tj955866/chapter-20